Fabcoin Core
P2P Digital Currency
This is the complete list of members for GPUSolver, including all inherited members.
avg | GPUSolver | private |
counter | GPUSolver | private |
getparam() | GPUSolver | inline |
GPU | GPUSolver | private |
GPUSolve(unsigned int n, unsigned int k, uint8_t *header, size_t header_len, uint256 &nonce, const std::function< bool(std::vector< unsigned char >)> validBlock, const std::function< bool(GPUSolverCancelCheck)> cancelled, crypto_generichash_blake2b_state base_state) | GPUSolver | private |
GPUSolve(unsigned int n, unsigned int k, uint8_t *header, size_t header_len, uint256 &nonce, const std::function< bool(std::vector< unsigned char >)> validBlock, const std::function< bool(GPUSolverCancelCheck)> cancelled, crypto_generichash_blake2b_state base_state) | GPUSolver | private |
GPUSolver() | GPUSolver | |
GPUSolver(unsigned platform, unsigned device) | GPUSolver | |
GPUSolver(unsigned int n, unsigned k) | GPUSolver | |
GPUSolver(unsigned platform, unsigned device, unsigned int n, unsigned int k) | GPUSolver | |
indices | GPUSolver | private |
initOK | GPUSolver | private |
miner | GPUSolver | private |
n_sol | GPUSolver | private |
PROOFSIZE | GPUSolver | privatestatic |
run(unsigned int n, unsigned int k, uint8_t *header, size_t header_len, uint256 nonce, const std::function< bool(std::vector< unsigned char >)> validBlock, const std::function< bool(GPUSolverCancelCheck)> cancelled, crypto_generichash_blake2b_state base_state) | GPUSolver | |
run(unsigned int n, unsigned int k, uint8_t *header, size_t header_len, uint256 nonce, const std::function< bool(std::vector< unsigned char >)> validBlock, const std::function< bool(GPUSolverCancelCheck)> cancelled, crypto_generichash_blake2b_state base_state) | GPUSolver | |
sum | GPUSolver | private |
~GPUSolver() | GPUSolver | |
~GPUSolver() | GPUSolver |