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Fabcoin Core
P2P Digital Currency
This is the complete list of members for Gzip, including all inherited members.
Algorithm(bool checkSelfTestStatus=true) | Algorithm | |
AlgorithmName() const | Algorithm | inlinevirtual |
AnyMessages() const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
AnyRetrievable() const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
Attach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
Attachable() | Filter | inlinevirtual |
AttachedTransformation() | Filter | virtual |
AttachedTransformation() const | Filter | virtual |
BufferedTransformation() | BufferedTransformation | inline |
CanModifyInput() const | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
ChannelMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, byte inByte, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
ChannelPut(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
ChannelPutMessageEnd(const std::string &channel, const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
ChannelPutModifiable(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
ChannelPutWord16(const std::string &channel, word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | |
ChannelPutWord32(const std::string &channel, word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | |
ClearBitBuffer() | LowFirstBitWriter | |
Clone() const | Clonable | inlinevirtual |
ComputeHash(const byte *str) const | Deflator | inlineprotected |
CopyAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const | BufferedTransformation | |
CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const | BufferedTransformation | |
CopyRangeTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword position, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const | BufferedTransformation | inline |
CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const | Filter | virtual |
CopyTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword copyMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const | BufferedTransformation | inline |
CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
DecrementPropagation(int propagation) | BufferedTransformation | inlineprotectedstatic |
DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL enum value | Deflator | |
DEFAULT_LOG2_WINDOW_SIZE enum value | Deflator | |
DEFLATED enum value | Gzip | protected |
Deflator(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, int deflateLevel=DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL, int log2WindowSize=DEFAULT_LOG2_WINDOW_SIZE, bool detectUncompressible=true) | Deflator | |
Deflator(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) | Deflator | |
Detach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment=NULL) | Filter | virtual |
DMASK | Deflator | protected |
DSIZE | Deflator | protected |
DYNAMIC enum value | Deflator | protected |
EncodeBlock(bool eof, unsigned int blockType) | Deflator | protected |
EndBlock(bool eof) | Deflator | protected |
FAST enum value | Gzip | protected |
FillWindow(const byte *str, size_t length) | Deflator | protected |
Filter(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) | Filter | |
FinishCounting() | LowFirstBitWriter | |
Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | Filter | virtual |
FlushBitBuffer() | LowFirstBitWriter | |
Get(byte &outByte) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
Get(byte *outString, size_t getMax) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
GetAutoSignalPropagation() const | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
GetDeflateLevel() const | Deflator | inline |
GetLog2WindowSize() const | Deflator | inline |
GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
GetNextMessage() | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
GetNextMessageSeries() | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const &callStack) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
GetWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) | BufferedTransformation | |
GetWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) | BufferedTransformation | |
GOOD_MATCH | Deflator | protected |
Gzip(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, unsigned int deflateLevel=DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL, unsigned int log2WindowSize=DEFAULT_LOG2_WINDOW_SIZE, bool detectUncompressible=true) | Gzip | inline |
Gzip(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) | Gzip | inline |
HMASK | Deflator | protected |
HSIZE | Deflator | protected |
Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1) | Filter | virtual |
InitializeStaticEncoders() | Deflator | protected |
Insert(Filter *nextFilter) | Filter | protected |
InsertString(unsigned int start) | Deflator | inlineprotected |
IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking) | Deflator | virtual |
IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) | Deflator | virtual |
IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking) | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
LiteralByte(byte b) | Deflator | protected |
LongestMatch(unsigned int &bestMatch) const | Deflator | protected |
LowFirstBitWriter(BufferedTransformation *attachment) | LowFirstBitWriter | |
m_bitCount | LowFirstBitWriter | protected |
m_bitsBuffered | LowFirstBitWriter | protected |
m_blockLength | Deflator | protected |
m_blockStart | Deflator | protected |
m_buffer | LowFirstBitWriter | protected |
m_byteBuffer | Deflator | protected |
m_bytesBuffered | LowFirstBitWriter | protected |
m_compressibleDeflateLevel | Deflator | protected |
m_continueAt | Filter | protected |
m_counting | LowFirstBitWriter | protected |
m_crc | Gzip | protected |
m_deflateLevel | Deflator | protected |
m_detectCount | Deflator | protected |
m_detectSkip | Deflator | protected |
m_dictionaryEnd | Deflator | protected |
m_distanceCounts | Deflator | protected |
m_dynamicDistanceEncoder | Deflator | protected |
m_dynamicLiteralEncoder | Deflator | protected |
m_head | Deflator | protected |
m_headerWritten | Deflator | protected |
m_inputPosition | Filter | protected |
m_literalCounts | Deflator | protected |
m_log2WindowSize | Deflator | protected |
m_lookahead | Deflator | protected |
m_matchAvailable | Deflator | protected |
m_matchBuffer | Deflator | protected |
m_matchBufferEnd | Deflator | protected |
m_minLookahead | Deflator | protected |
m_outputBuffer | LowFirstBitWriter | protected |
m_prev | Deflator | protected |
m_previousLength | Deflator | protected |
m_previousMatch | Deflator | protected |
m_staticDistanceEncoder | Deflator | protected |
m_staticLiteralEncoder | Deflator | protected |
m_stringStart | Deflator | protected |
m_totalLen | Gzip | protected |
MAGIC1 enum value | Gzip | protected |
MAGIC2 enum value | Gzip | protected |
MatchFound(unsigned int distance, unsigned int length) | Deflator | protected |
MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH | Deflator | protected |
MAX_DEFLATE_LEVEL enum value | Deflator | |
MAX_LAZYLENGTH | Deflator | protected |
MAX_LOG2_WINDOW_SIZE enum value | Deflator | |
MAX_MATCH enum value | Deflator | protected |
MaxRetrievable() const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
MessageEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | Filter | virtual |
MIN_DEFLATE_LEVEL enum value | Deflator | |
MIN_LOG2_WINDOW_SIZE enum value | Deflator | |
MIN_MATCH enum value | Deflator | protected |
NewDefaultAttachment() const | Filter | protectedvirtual |
NotCopyable() | NotCopyable | inline |
NULL_CHANNEL | BufferedTransformation | static |
NumberOfMessages() const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
NumberOfMessageSeries() const | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
NumberOfMessagesInThisSeries() const | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
Output(int outputSite, const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | Filter | protected |
OutputFlush(int outputSite, bool hardFlush, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | Filter | protected |
OutputMessageEnd(int outputSite, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | Filter | protected |
OutputMessageSeriesEnd(int outputSite, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | Filter | protected |
OutputModifiable(int outputSite, byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | Filter | protected |
Peek(byte &outByte) const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
Peek(byte *outString, size_t peekMax) const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
PeekWord16(word16 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const | BufferedTransformation | |
PeekWord32(word32 &value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER) const | BufferedTransformation | |
ProcessBuffer() | Deflator | protected |
ProcessUncompressedData(const byte *string, size_t length) | Gzip | protectedvirtual |
PropagateInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) | Filter | protected |
Put(byte inByte, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
Put(const byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) | Deflator | virtual |
PutBits(unsigned long value, unsigned int length) | LowFirstBitWriter | |
PutMessageEnd(const byte *inString, size_t length, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
PutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
PutModifiable2(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
PutWord16(word16 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | |
PutWord32(word32 value, ByteOrder order=BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | |
Ref() | BufferedTransformation | inline |
Reset(bool forceReset=false) | Deflator | protected |
SetAutoSignalPropagation(int propagation) | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
SetDeflateLevel(int deflateLevel) | Deflator | |
SetRetrievalChannel(const std::string &channel) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
ShouldPropagateMessageEnd() const | Filter | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ShouldPropagateMessageSeriesEnd() const | Filter | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Skip(lword skipMax=LWORD_MAX) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
SkipAll() | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
SkipMessages(unsigned int count=UINT_MAX) | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
SLOW enum value | Gzip | protected |
StartCounting() | LowFirstBitWriter | |
STATIC enum value | Deflator | protected |
STORED enum value | Deflator | protected |
TotalBytesRetrievable() const | BufferedTransformation | virtual |
TransferAllTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
TransferAllTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | |
TransferMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
TransferMessagesTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int &messageCount, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) | BufferedTransformation | |
TransferTo(BufferedTransformation &target, lword transferMax=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) | BufferedTransformation | inline |
TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) | Filter | virtual |
Wait(unsigned long milliseconds, CallStack const &callStack) | Waitable | |
WritePoststreamTail() | Gzip | protectedvirtual |
WritePrestreamHeader() | Gzip | protectedvirtual |
~Algorithm() | Algorithm | inlinevirtual |
~BufferedTransformation() | BufferedTransformation | inlinevirtual |
~Clonable() | Clonable | inlinevirtual |
~Filter() | Filter | inlinevirtual |
~Waitable() | Waitable | inlinevirtual |