Fabcoin Core  0.16.2
P2P Digital Currency
uint256 Member List

This is the complete list of members for uint256, including all inherited members.

base_blob()base_blob< 256 >inline
base_blob(const std::vector< unsigned char > &vch)base_blob< 256 >explicit
begin()base_blob< 256 >inline
begin() constbase_blob< 256 >inline
Compare(const base_blob &other) constbase_blob< 256 >inline
database_blob< 256 >protected
end()base_blob< 256 >inline
end() constbase_blob< 256 >inline
GetCheapHash() const uint256inline
GetHex() constbase_blob< 256 >
GetReverseHex() constbase_blob< 256 >
GetUint64(int pos) constbase_blob< 256 >inline
IsNull() constbase_blob< 256 >inline
Serialize(Stream &s) constbase_blob< 256 >inline
SetHex(const char *psz)base_blob< 256 >
SetHex(const std::string &str)base_blob< 256 >
SetNull()base_blob< 256 >inline
SetReverseHex(const char *psz)base_blob< 256 >
SetReverseHex(const std::string &str)base_blob< 256 >
size() constbase_blob< 256 >inline
ToString() constbase_blob< 256 >
uint256(const base_blob< 256 > &b)uint256inline
uint256(const std::vector< unsigned char > &vch)uint256inlineexplicit
Unserialize(Stream &s)base_blob< 256 >inline
WIDTH enum valuebase_blob< 256 >protected