35 llvm::Function*
bool _isStore, llvm::Type* _type);
llvm::Value * getBytePtr(llvm::Value *_index)
Adapted from code found on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/180947/base64-decode-snippet-in-c Origi...
llvm::Function * getRequireFunc()
llvm::Function * m_loadWord
llvm::Function * getStoreWordFunc()
Memory(RuntimeManager &_runtimeManager, GasMeter &_gasMeter)
llvm::Value * loadWord(llvm::Value *_addr)
void require(llvm::Value *_offset, llvm::Value *_size)
Requires the amount of memory to for data defined by offset and size. And counts gas fee for that mem...
void copyBytes(llvm::Value *_srcPtr, llvm::Value *_srcSize, llvm::Value *_srcIndex, llvm::Value *_destMemIdx, llvm::Value *_byteCount)
void storeWord(llvm::Value *_addr, llvm::Value *_word)
llvm::Function * createFunc(bool _isStore, llvm::Type *_type)
llvm::Function * getLoadWordFunc()
llvm::Function * getStoreByteFunc()
llvm::Function * m_require
llvm::Function * m_storeWord
llvm::Function * m_storeByte
Compiler helper that depends on runtime data.
void storeByte(llvm::Value *_addr, llvm::Value *_byte)