bool | IsForwardTransformation () const |
| Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction. More...
| CCM_Base () |
std::string | AlgorithmName () const |
| Provides the name of this algorithm. More...
size_t | MinKeyLength () const |
| Returns smallest valid key length. More...
size_t | MaxKeyLength () const |
| Returns largest valid key length. More...
size_t | DefaultKeyLength () const |
| Returns default key length. More...
size_t | GetValidKeyLength (size_t keylength) const |
| Returns a valid key length for the algorithm. More...
bool | IsValidKeyLength (size_t keylength) const |
| Returns whether keylength is a valid key length. More...
unsigned int | OptimalDataAlignment () const |
| Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance. More...
IV_Requirement | IVRequirement () const |
| Minimal requirement for secure IVs. More...
unsigned int | IVSize () const |
| Returns length of the IV accepted by this object. More...
unsigned int | MinIVLength () const |
| Provides the minimum size of an IV. More...
unsigned int | MaxIVLength () const |
| Provides the maximum size of an IV. More...
unsigned int | DigestSize () const |
| Provides the digest size of the hash. More...
lword | MaxHeaderLength () const |
| Provides the maximum length of AAD that can be input. More...
lword | MaxMessageLength () const |
| Provides the maximum length of encrypted data. More...
bool | NeedsPrespecifiedDataLengths () const |
| Determines if data lengths must be specified prior to inputting data. More...
void | UncheckedSpecifyDataLengths (lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength) |
| AuthenticatedSymmetricCipherBase () |
bool | IsRandomAccess () const |
| Determines whether the cipher supports random access. More...
bool | IsSelfInverting () const |
| Determines whether the cipher is self-inverting. More...
void | UncheckedSetKey (const byte *key, unsigned int length, const CryptoPP::NameValuePairs ¶ms) |
| Sets the key for this object without performing parameter validation. More...
void | SetKey (const byte *userKey, size_t keylength, const NameValuePairs ¶ms) |
| Sets or reset the key of this object. More...
void | Restart () |
| Restart the hash. More...
void | Resynchronize (const byte *iv, int length=-1) |
| Resynchronize with an IV. More...
void | Update (const byte *input, size_t length) |
| Updates a hash with additional input. More...
void | ProcessData (byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length) |
| Encrypt or decrypt an array of bytes. More...
void | TruncatedFinal (byte *mac, size_t macSize) |
| Computes the hash of the current message. More...
virtual | ~AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher () |
virtual lword | MaxFooterLength () const |
| Provides the the maximum length of AAD. More...
void | SpecifyDataLengths (lword headerLength, lword messageLength, lword footerLength=0) |
| Prespecifies the data lengths. More...
virtual void | EncryptAndAuthenticate (byte *ciphertext, byte *mac, size_t macSize, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *message, size_t messageLength) |
| Encrypts and calculates a MAC in one call. More...
virtual bool | DecryptAndVerify (byte *message, const byte *mac, size_t macLength, const byte *iv, int ivLength, const byte *header, size_t headerLength, const byte *ciphertext, size_t ciphertextLength) |
| Decrypts and verifies a MAC in one call. More...
virtual | ~SimpleKeyingInterface () |
void | SetKeyWithRounds (const byte *key, size_t length, int rounds) |
| Sets or reset the key of this object. More...
void | SetKeyWithIV (const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv, size_t ivLength) |
| Sets or reset the key of this object. More...
void | SetKeyWithIV (const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv) |
| Sets or reset the key of this object. More...
bool | IsResynchronizable () const |
| Determines if the object can be resynchronized. More...
bool | CanUseRandomIVs () const |
| Determines if the object can use random IVs. More...
bool | CanUsePredictableIVs () const |
| Determines if the object can use random but possibly predictable IVs. More...
bool | CanUseStructuredIVs () const |
| Determines if the object can use structured IVs. More...
unsigned int | DefaultIVLength () const |
| Provides the default size of an IV. More...
virtual void | GetNextIV (RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *iv) |
| Retrieves a secure IV for the next message. More...
virtual | ~HashTransformation () |
HashTransformation & | Ref () |
| Provides a reference to this object. More...
virtual byte * | CreateUpdateSpace (size_t &size) |
| Request space which can be written into by the caller. More...
virtual void | Final (byte *digest) |
| Computes the hash of the current message. More...
unsigned int | TagSize () const |
| Provides the tag size of the hash. More...
virtual unsigned int | BlockSize () const |
| Provides the block size of the compression function. More...
virtual unsigned int | OptimalBlockSize () const |
| Provides the input block size most efficient for this hash. More...
virtual void | CalculateDigest (byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length) |
| Updates the hash with additional input and computes the hash of the current message. More...
virtual bool | Verify (const byte *digest) |
| Verifies the hash of the current message. More...
virtual bool | VerifyDigest (const byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length) |
| Updates the hash with additional input and verifies the hash of the current message. More...
virtual void | CalculateTruncatedDigest (byte *digest, size_t digestSize, const byte *input, size_t length) |
| Updates the hash with additional input and computes the hash of the current message. More...
virtual bool | TruncatedVerify (const byte *digest, size_t digestLength) |
| Verifies the hash of the current message. More...
virtual bool | VerifyTruncatedDigest (const byte *digest, size_t digestLength, const byte *input, size_t length) |
| Updates the hash with additional input and verifies the hash of the current message. More...
virtual | ~Algorithm () |
| Algorithm (bool checkSelfTestStatus=true) |
| Interface for all crypto algorithms. More...
virtual | ~Clonable () |
virtual Clonable * | Clone () const |
| Copies this object. More...
virtual | ~StreamTransformation () |
StreamTransformation & | Ref () |
| Provides a reference to this object. More...
virtual unsigned int | MandatoryBlockSize () const |
| Provides the mandatory block size of the cipher. More...
virtual unsigned int | OptimalBlockSize () const |
| Provides the input block size most efficient for this cipher. More...
virtual unsigned int | GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed () const |
| Provides the number of bytes used in the current block when processing at optimal block size. More...
virtual void | ProcessLastBlock (byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length) |
| Encrypt or decrypt the last block of data. More...
virtual unsigned int | MinLastBlockSize () const |
| Provides the size of the last block. More...
void | ProcessString (byte *inoutString, size_t length) |
| Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes. More...
void | ProcessString (byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length) |
| Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes. More...
byte | ProcessByte (byte input) |
| Encrypt or decrypt a byte. More...
virtual void | Seek (lword pos) |
| Seek to an absolute position. More...