Fabcoin Core  0.16.2
P2P Digital Currency
List of all members
Ui::RPCConsole Class Reference

#include <ui_debugwindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ui::RPCConsole:
Collaboration diagram for Ui::RPCConsole:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_RPCConsole
void setupUi (QWidget *RPCConsole)
void retranslateUi (QWidget *RPCConsole)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_RPCConsole
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_2
QTabWidget * tabWidget
QWidget * tab_info
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QLabel * label_9
QLabel * label_6
QLabel * clientVersion
QLabel * labelClientUserAgent
QLabel * clientUserAgent
QLabel * label_berkeleyDBVersion
QLabel * berkeleyDBVersion
QLabel * label_12
QLabel * dataDir
QLabel * label_13
QLabel * startupTime
QLabel * labelNetwork
QLabel * label_8
QLabel * networkName
QLabel * label_7
QLabel * numberOfConnections
QLabel * label_10
QLabel * label_3
QLabel * numberOfBlocks
QLabel * labelLastBlockTime
QLabel * lastBlockTime
QLabel * labelMempoolTitle
QLabel * labelNumberOfTransactions
QLabel * mempoolNumberTxs
QLabel * labelMemoryUsage
QLabel * mempoolSize
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayoutDebugButton
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer_2
QLabel * labelDebugLogfile
QPushButton * openDebugLogfileButton
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer
QWidget * tab_console
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_3
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QPushButton * fontSmallerButton
QPushButton * fontBiggerButton
QPushButton * clearButton
QTextEdit * messagesWidget
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayoutPrompt
QPushButton * promptIcon
QLineEdit * lineEdit
QWidget * tab_nettraffic
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_3
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_4
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_2
QSlider * sldGraphRange
QLabel * lblGraphRange
QPushButton * btnClearTrafficGraph
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QGroupBox * groupBox
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_5
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_4
QFrame * line
QLabel * label_16
QLabel * lblBytesIn
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_5
QFrame * line_2
QLabel * label_17
QLabel * lblBytesOut
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer_4
QWidget * tab_peers
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_101
QTableView * peerWidget
QLabel * banHeading
QTableView * banlistWidget
QLabel * peerHeading
QWidget * detailWidget
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QLabel * label_30
QLabel * peerWhitelisted
QLabel * label_23
QLabel * peerDirection
QLabel * label_21
QLabel * peerVersion
QLabel * label_28
QLabel * peerSubversion
QLabel * label_4
QLabel * peerServices
QLabel * label_29
QLabel * peerHeight
QLabel * label_27
QLabel * peerSyncHeight
QLabel * label_25
QLabel * peerCommonHeight
QLabel * label_24
QLabel * peerBanScore
QLabel * label_22
QLabel * peerConnTime
QLabel * label_15
QLabel * peerLastSend
QLabel * label_19
QLabel * peerLastRecv
QLabel * label_18
QLabel * peerBytesSent
QLabel * label_20
QLabel * peerBytesRecv
QLabel * label_26
QLabel * peerPingTime
QLabel * peerPingWaitLabel
QLabel * peerPingWait
QLabel * peerMinPingLabel
QLabel * peerMinPing
QLabel * label_timeoffset
QLabel * timeoffset
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer_3

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1013 of file ui_debugwindow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: