| LocalisedTransaction (Transaction const &_t, h256 const &_blockHash, unsigned _transactionIndex, BlockNumber _blockNumber=0) |
h256 const & | blockHash () const |
unsigned | transactionIndex () const |
BlockNumber | blockNumber () const |
| Transaction () |
| Constructs a null transaction. More...
| Transaction (TransactionSkeleton const &_ts, Secret const &_s=Secret()) |
| Constructs from a transaction skeleton & optional secret. More...
| Transaction (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, Address const &_dest, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce, Secret const &_secret) |
| Constructs a signed message-call transaction. More...
| Transaction (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce, Secret const &_secret) |
| Constructs a signed contract-creation transaction. More...
| Transaction (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, Address const &_dest, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce=Invalid256) |
| Constructs an unsigned message-call transaction. More...
| Transaction (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce=Invalid256) |
| Constructs an unsigned contract-creation transaction. More...
| Transaction (bytesConstRef _rlp, CheckTransaction _checkSig) |
| Constructs a transaction from the given RLP. More...
| Transaction (bytes const &_rlp, CheckTransaction _checkSig) |
| Constructs a transaction from the given RLP. More...
| TransactionBase () |
| Constructs a null transaction. More...
| TransactionBase (TransactionSkeleton const &_ts, Secret const &_s=Secret()) |
| Constructs a transaction from a transaction skeleton & optional secret. More...
| TransactionBase (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, Address const &_dest, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce, Secret const &_secret) |
| Constructs a signed message-call transaction. More...
| TransactionBase (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce, Secret const &_secret) |
| Constructs a signed contract-creation transaction. More...
| TransactionBase (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, Address const &_dest, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce=0) |
| Constructs an unsigned message-call transaction. More...
| TransactionBase (u256 const &_value, u256 const &_gasPrice, u256 const &_gas, bytes const &_data, u256 const &_nonce=0) |
| Constructs an unsigned contract-creation transaction. More...
| TransactionBase (bytesConstRef _rlp, CheckTransaction _checkSig) |
| Constructs a transaction from the given RLP. More...
| TransactionBase (bytes const &_rlp, CheckTransaction _checkSig) |
| Constructs a transaction from the given RLP. More...
bool | operator== (TransactionBase const &_c) const |
| Checks equality of transactions. More...
bool | operator!= (TransactionBase const &_c) const |
| Checks inequality of transactions. More...
Address const & | sender () const |
Address const & | safeSender () const noexcept |
| Like sender() but will never throw. More...
void | forceSender (Address const &_a) |
| Force the sender to a particular value. This will result in an invalid transaction RLP. More...
void | checkLowS () const |
void | checkChainId (int chainId=-4) const |
| operator bool () const |
bool | isCreation () const |
void | streamRLP (RLPStream &_s, IncludeSignature _sig=WithSignature, bool _forEip155hash=false) const |
| Serialises this transaction to an RLPStream. More...
bytes | rlp (IncludeSignature _sig=WithSignature) const |
h256 | sha3 (IncludeSignature _sig=WithSignature) const |
u256 | value () const |
u256 | gasPrice () const |
u256 | gas () const |
Address | receiveAddress () const |
Address | to () const |
| Synonym for receiveAddress(). More...
Address | from () const |
| Synonym for safeSender(). More...
bytes const & | data () const |
u256 | nonce () const |
void | setNonce (u256 const &_n) |
| Sets the nonce to the given value. Clears any signature. More...
void | clearSignature () |
| Clears the signature. More...
SignatureStruct const & | signature () const |
void | sign (Secret const &_priv) |
| Sign the transaction. More...
int64_t | baseGasRequired (EVMSchedule const &_es) const |