uint8_t bytes[32]
The 32 bytes of the big-endian integer or hash.
void(* evm_prepare_code_fn)(struct evm_instance *instance, enum evm_mode mode, struct evm_uint256be code_hash, uint8_t const *code, size_t code_size)
Request preparation of the code for faster execution.
evm_get_code_status_fn get_code_status
Optional pointer to function returning a status of a code.
Big-endian 256-bit integer.
char const * error_message
The error message explaining the result code.
uint8_t const * output_data
The reference to output data.
Current block difficulty for DIFFICULTY.
int64_t gas_left
The amount of gas left after the execution.
Current block number for NUMBER.
evm_release_result_fn release
The pointer to the result release implementation.
Execution finished with success.
uint8_t const * data
Pointer to the data.
evm_prepare_code_fn prepare_code
Optional pointer to function compiling a code.
int(* evm_set_option_fn)(struct evm_instance *evm, char const *name, char const *value)
Configures the EVM instance.
Transaction gas price for GASPRICE.
struct evm_instance *(* evm_create_fn)(evm_query_fn query_fn, evm_update_fn update_fn, evm_call_fn call_fn)
Forward declaration.
The code has been compiled and is available in memory.
Status of a code in VM. Useful for JIT-like implementations.
int64_t int64
A host-endian 64-bit integer.
struct evm_factory examplevm_get_factory(void)
Example of a function creating uninitialized instance of an example VM.
evm_set_option_fn set_option
Optional pointer to function modifying VM's options.
Address of the contract for ADDRESS.
evm_create_fn create
Pointer to function creating and initializing the EVM instance.
Request CREATE. Semantic of some params changes.
Message sender address for CALLER.
The update callback key.
Variant type to represent possible types of values used in EVM.
The EVM instance factory.
size_t output_size
The size of the output data.
Current block timestamp for TIMESTAMP.
Balance of a given address for BALANCE.
void * internal_memory
The pointer to EVM-owned memory.
evm_destroy_fn destroy
Pointer to function destroying the EVM instance.
Transaction origin address for ORIGIN.
Big-endian 160-bit hash suitable for keeping an Ethereum address.
int abi_version
EVM-C ABI version implemented by the EVM factory and instance.
The kind of call-like instruction.
Current block miner address for COINBASE.
Block hash of by block number for BLOCKHASH.
Check if an account exists.
EVM compatibility mode aka chain mode.
Request DELEGATECALL. The value param ignored.
Code by an address for EXTCODECOPY.
The compiled version of the code is available in on-disk cache.
evm_execute_fn execute
Pointer to function executing a code by the EVM instance.
void(* evm_destroy_fn)(struct evm_instance *evm)
Destroys the EVM instance.
The EVM code execution result.
enum evm_code_status(* evm_get_code_status_fn)(struct evm_instance *instance, enum evm_mode mode, struct evm_uint256be code_hash)
Get information the status of the code in the VM.
The execution result code.
struct evm_result(* evm_execute_fn)(struct evm_instance *instance, struct evm_env *env, enum evm_mode mode, struct evm_uint256be code_hash, uint8_t const *code, size_t code_size, int64_t gas, uint8_t const *input, size_t input_size, struct evm_uint256be value)
Generates and executes machine code for given EVM bytecode.
Storage value of a given key for SLOAD.
void(* evm_update_fn)(struct evm_env *env, enum evm_update_key key, const union evm_variant *arg1, const union evm_variant *arg2)
Update callback function.
Mark contract as selfdestructed and set beneficiary address.
Code size by an address for EXTCODESIZE.
void(* evm_query_fn)(union evm_variant *result, struct evm_env *env, enum evm_query_key key, const union evm_variant *arg)
Query callback function.
Current block gas limit for GASLIMIT.
The code is uknown to the VM.
struct evm_uint160be address(struct evm_env *env)
size_t data_size
Size of the referenced memory/data.
void(* evm_release_result_fn)(struct evm_result const *result)
Forward declaration.
The query callback key.
int64_t(* evm_call_fn)(struct evm_env *env, enum evm_call_kind kind, int64_t gas, const struct evm_uint160be *address, const struct evm_uint256be *value, uint8_t const *input, size_t input_size, uint8_t *output, size_t output_size)
Pointer to the callback function supporting EVM calls.
Generic execution failure.